At Glamorous Pets our grooming and styling is much more than the ordinary clip job, because your pet is much more than an ordinary pet. He’s /she’s your best friend and we treat your pet that way. We take the utmost pride in providing satisfaction to our customers in all of our services. A happy customer is very important to us. I find it gratifying to see my regular doggie clients rushing in to meet me when they arrive for their styling appointment.
Our experience with dogs and cats enables us to handle difficult pets without drugs. We use all natural shampoo’s and conditioners which enhance and improve both the pet’s coat and skin
We do not crate dry any pets.
Glamorous Pets experience with dogs, not only as a groomer but also as dog handler, and a breeder enables us to assess any problems that your Vet may need to be aware of. We are an important overseer of your dogs health.
CAT GROOMING: We offer a wide range of service’s for cats as well…
- Free consultation
- Hydro- Serge bathing this is a therapeutic bath and each pet gets two shampoo sessions during the bath
- Conditioner to each pet
- Hivolosity removes loose hair and dead skin
- Nails cut
- Ears cleaned
- Anal gland emptied
- Coat dried – we do not crate dry any pets
- Styled to perfection. I guarantee it.
- Our finishing spray to keep coat healthy.
- Bandana or Bows.
- 15 minutes of brushing. Extra brushing is $1.00 per minute.
- Nail clipping – No appointment needed / Call before you come $15.00
- Skunk bath
- Flea bath
- Teeth brushing
- Mat Removal
Mat Removal – While at Glamorous Pets we are extremely careful when clipping off excessively matted coats, there is a risk of nicks, cuts, abrasions due to warts, moles or skin folds trapped in the mats. Removal of the matting may also reveal skin irritations caused by moisture trapped near the pet’s skin allowing mold, fungus or bacteria to grow. Clipping may reveal embedded grass seeds, which may leave puss filled holes in your pets skin. If this is the case we will point the area’s out as it may require a visit to your Vet.
The after effects of mat removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritation or abrasions and failure of the hair to grow. We will spend extra time not to shave right down to the skin as this can make your pet prone to sunburn and you would have to apply sun screen daily or your pet should be kept out of the sun until the hair grows sufficiently to protect the skin.
After removing mats from the dogs ears the dog, because his ears feel lighter or strange, continually shakes his head or scratches his ears.
As the owner, you are responsible for the condition of your pet’s coat.
- Avoid feeding your pet before their grooming
- Please exercise your pet before they come in
- Please brush & comb the night before to avoid discomfort to your pet
Our Services

Coat Styling
At Glamorous Pets our grooming and styling is much more than the ordinary clip job, because your pet is much more than an ordinary pet.

Hydro Serge Bathing
Hydro- Serge bathing this is a therapeutic bath and each pet gets two shampoo sessions during the bath.